Ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) are made up of a network of pipes buried under the ground (ground loop) and a heat pump located above the ground.
The heat pump harnesses the natural heat from under the ground by pumping a mixture of water and anti-freeze through the ground loop where the heat from the ground is absorbed into the fluid. The fluid is then passed through a heat exchanger into the heat pump where the temperature is increased further before being utilised to provide space heating and hot water into your home/building.
A ground source heat pump increases the temperature from the ground by between one and a half and four times – so if the ground temperature is 12°C, the output would be between 18 and 48°C.
Every project is different and the requirement for an additional back-up heating system will depend on the individual project.
The length of the ground loop depends on the size of your home and the amount of heat you need. Longer loops can draw more heat from the ground, but need more space to be buried in. If space is limited, a vertical borehole can be drilled instead.
The Benefits of Ground Source Heat Pumps:
Lower fuel bills, especially if you are replacing conventional electric heating
Income provision through the government’s Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)
Reduces carbon emissions when compared to LPG or oil
No fuel deliveries required
Can heat your home as well as your water
Minimal maintenance requirements